Because there just aren't enough
desserts on this blog . . .
I think this may be my favorite picture
I have ever taken on my own camera . . . |
Georgia B. made this amazing dessert when she hosted book club. When she said the words "cookie" and "pie" together, I admit I was taken aback. It sounded like too much. It sounded like it was missing the words "bacon-wrapped" and "deep-fried."
But then I had a bite. Next,
I inhaled my beautiful wedge o' heaven-sent cookie pie. Finally, I plotted about how to get another piece (never mind the other twenty girls who were at this particular book club meeting . . . in fact, what do you guys think about a new book club rule? Only people who read the book can have refreshments?)
I think it actually looks prettier before it's cooked |
This kind of crust needs a pie shield, so that it doesn't get crispy and burnt before the rest of the crust cooks. Actually, unless your crust is exactly level with your filling, every pie needs a pie shield. You just take it off the pie about 10-15 minutes before it is baked all the way.
55 minutes later . . . it should be a nice caramely-brown |
My husband happened to show up at this book club to collect our baby, and another book club member (Tonia) said, "Here, Allen, you should take a piece of this." He was sold on one bite also. {And Tonia and I are still friends, despite the fact that she A) appeared to be a more thoughtful wife than I am and B) ruined my plan to ask to take a piece home to Allen . . . which I had no intention of giving him. Okay, maybe she
is a more thoughtful wife . . . }
Georgia did not hoard the deliciousness. And neither will I.